Greater Prairie Chicken
T.c. pinnaus
The Greater prairie chicken
Currently they are limited to small isolated
populations in Michigan, Wisconsin,Illinois,
Northwestern Minnesota,Eastern North Dakota,Nebraska,
Kanas,Western Missouri and northern Oklahoma. The biggest
threat to the Greater prairie chickens is cultivation of the land
as they need vast open tracks of land as in 10-20 miles.
The current situation is 5-10-20 acres of CRP just is not engough.Once spring arrives the male will move to what are alled leek sites and start BOOMING . It is quiet Spectacular to watch.Many males at once will be on the dancing grounds
trying to catch the affection of a hen.
Once a hen has breed she will go off and lay around 12-15 eggs.
If she is lucky enough to hatch them after 24 days she will
raise them up till fall.
Greater Praire Chicken male full display stunning shot.

Greater Praire Chicken male thinks he hears a hen.

Greater Praire Chicken male full display.

Greater Praire Chicken male.

Greater Praire Chicken

Greater Praire Chicken male horns up.

Greater Praire Chickens in a group 1 male and 3 hens
late winter.

Greater Praire Chickenin middlle of BOOMING !

Greater Praire Chicken male spring time.

Greater Praire Chicken pair early fall.

Greater Praire Chicken male

Greater Praire Chicken full lalter display